Тема 5

Способы перефразирования тем в задании 40, в которых присутствует слово “subject”.

Сегодня мы разберем, как правильно можно перефразировать экзаменационные темы 2020 г., в которых присутствует слово “subject.

1 Information technology is the most important school subject.

  • Students need information technology classes more than any other.
  • Information technology classes are needed more for one’s education than any other.
  • Some people consider information technology to be the most important school subject, while others disagree with this point of view.
  • The number one class that students must take is information technology.
  • Information technology has become essential to any child’s education.

2 Foreign language is the most important school subject.

  • Foreign languages have become the number one classes to take at school.
  • Students need to take foreign language classes more than any other.
  • Some people consider foreign language classes to be the most important school subject, while others disagree with this point of view.
  • It is studying a foreign language that has taken the top spot among classes necessary for students.
  • Many people argue that taking foreign language classes is more beneficial for one’s education than any other.
  • Foreign languages have greater importance than any other subject at school.

3 Physical Training is the most important subject at school.

  • Physical education has become the number one class to take at school.
  • Students need to take physical training classes for their education.
  • Some people consider physical education to be the most important school subject, while others disagree with this point of view.
  • It is taking a physical education class that has taken the greatest importance for school students.
  • Physical training is at the top of the necessary classes to take for one’s education.
  • Physical education is absolutely essential for school students.

4 Literature is the most important school subject.

  • Students must study literature for their education.
  • The number one class to take for one’s education is literature.
  • Some people consider literature to be the most important school subject, while others disagree with this point of view.
  • Among all the classes needed for one’s education, literature has greater importance.
  • Students need to take literature classes more than any others.

5 History is the most important school subject.

  • It is history that is absolutely necessary for one’s education.
  • It is history that has become absolutely necessary for one’s education.
  • Some people consider history to be the most important school subject, while others disagree with this point of view.
  • It is history that is the essential class for one’s education.
  • Students must study history at school.
  • Many people believe that taking history classes is more beneficial for one’s education than any other.
  • History is the number one class to take for one’s education.
  • History has greater importance than any other school subject.
  • History has greater importance than any other subject at school.

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